Master in Business Management (Hybrid)
Only for professionals up to 29
The Master in Business Management is aimed at professionals currently starting their executive careers and interested in doing significant differentiating advantages. ESAN fosters the ongoing development of academic and interpersonal skills, so that they generate value in their professional networking and society.
It deepens and develops the student's creative capacity to handle the tools and knowledge required in innovation management in their organizations. Thus, it allows the student to gain sustainable competitive advantages within the organization to achieve a local and global impact, as they act as change agents in society. The innovation process is approached from the initial dynamics regarding the initial creative process, entrepreneurship, and information technologies. -
It provides the knowledge, tools, and strategic competencies necessary to analyze their local and global environment. The graduate will be able to formulate and design specific creative processes and strategies in functional and management areas involved in an organization. The graduate will develop skills that allow them to model the impact of constant changes and uncertain scenarios that will affect their decisions. -
Our curriculum and academic activities allow participants to have contact with the global business world and have an experiential experience during the International Study Seminar, seeking to develop their analytical skills to choose the best business and social development strategies. The contact with international expert professors from the best universities worldwide allows participants to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and enrich their learning with new trends in the business world. Our International Week and the possibility to participate in a dual degree and exchange programs complement our international focus: a unique approach among all business schools in Peru. -
Our program enhances the development of managerial competencies in our participants to lead change and innovation in their organizations. They will be capable of designing creative alternatives to solve adverse situations. Our graduates will be able to make decisions in environments of high uncertainty, facing complex business problems, to make effective and efficient decisions to achieve their business objectives. -
Our business school fosters the development of an environment that allows the participant to create a network during their studies, which will be an asset for their future professional development. Our program facilitates relationships with prestigious international professors and international students, but also students from other master's programs at the university, who actively participate in events such as our International Week. Likewise, their contacts abroad are strengthened during their international study trip and in tailor-made postgraduate activities organized by the institution.
The master's degree has a strong international component.
Curricular Curriculum
The curriculum of the master's degree is structured under three complementary modules that together achieve the academic objective of the program:
- Period I
- Leadership and Management Skills
- Data Analytics for Management
- Business Accounting
- Creativity and Innovation
- Economics for Business
- Period II
- Global Operations & Supply Chain Management
- Human Talent Management
- Strategic Marketing
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- IT Management
- Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship

- Period III
- Elective 1
- Elective 2
- Digital Transformation
- Applied Finance
- Digital Marketing & E-commerce
- Research Seminar I

- Period III
- Elective 3
- Elective 4
- Strategy and Business Models
- Sustainability and Business Ethics
- Project Management in VUCA Environments
- International Seminar
- Research Seminar II

Duration and Schedule
25 Mayo 2023
24 months, plus the thesis or research work period.
Tuesdays and Thurdays from 7:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. Saturdays from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Propaedeutic workshops, international courses, final exams, and class rescheduling have a different schedule than the set schedule.
Note: The program is subject to the completion of the group with the minimum number of duly enrolled participants. To date, and by the provisions of the National Superintendence of Higher Education (Sunedu, for its initials in Spanish), the reactivation of face-to-face academic activities is not yet authorized. Therefore, the master's degree classes may begin synchronously through the virtual e-learning platform and under the same schedule and frequency as the regular program. When health conditions permit -and the Central Government authorizes the resumption of face-to-face activities of the educational institutions- Universidad ESAN will issue an official communication on the resumption of its face-to-face classes. With these provisions, the institution seeks to guarantee the safety and health of its students, faculty, and administrative staff.
Note: Aligned with the ongoing improvements and updating of processes, the curricular structure is subject to change. Such changes will be previously approved by the University Council and communicated with due anticipation. Likewise, these will not imply any change in the prices already informed and contracted, payments for additional academic fees, changes or aggravations to the objective and quality of the program.
Service exempted from the VAT (IGV, for its initials in Spanish) under literal g) of art. 2° of the TUO of the IGV Law, D.S. N° 055-99-EF.
Consult direct financing modalities and discounts with the Commercial Executive.
Upon enrollment, applicable discounts will be verified according to what is offered and the university current policies. Subsequent discounts will not be applied.